KoffeePhoto partners with ColorMailer and FastLab for photo printing

Released on = November 23, 2006, 1:54 pm

Press Release Author = KoffeeWare

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = KoffeePhoto, free p2p photo sharing software, includes photo
printing service from ColorMailer and FastLab

Press Release Body = Strasbourg/Vevey - November 25th 2006 - With this new partner,
any KoffeePhoto user can order prints from any computer connected to the network.
The power of the KoffeePhoto peer-to-peer network resides in the � always available
stored pictures � feature. The pictures being neither compressed nor reduced in
size, this feature allows access to the pictures in their native resolution at any
time for ordering prints from any computer connected to the KoffeePhoto network
without any quality loss.

The user selects a digital photo service among those available and depending on the
destination country of the order. KoffeePhoto then automatically transfers the
pictures to the selected service. �From Scandinavia to Spain, the partnership with
ColorPlaza allows us to provide users of all European countries with a high-quality
integrated service.� comments Carl Conrad, Marketing and Communications Manager of
KoffeeWare, editor of KoffeePhoto.

Since 1999, ColorPlaza, provider of the ColorMailer and FastLab services, has gained
a solid reputation on the digital photo printing marketplace. �The integration of
our service with the innovative KoffeePhoto software creates a complete set of
functionalities and an excellent tool for the photographer.� comments Nico Lugt,
co-founder of Colorplaza Ltd.

About KoffeePhoto
KoffeePhoto is free online photo sharing software. Thanks to its secure peer-to-peer
storage model, pictures can be saved and shared for free in their native resolution
without any storage limitation. Available for Windows XP, Mac OS X and Linux,
KoffeePhoto can be freely downloaded from http://www.koffeephoto.com.

About ColorPlaza Ltd
Colorplaza Ltd is an independent company based in Vevey/Switzerland, active in the
field of digital imaging and in the development of multimedia Internet applications.
The company was founded in December 1999 and has rapidly expanded to become a leader
in Europe in the segment of online digital photo finishing.

Web Site = http://www.koffeephoto.com

Contact Details = Carl Conrad
KoffeeWare / KoffeePhoto
+33 607.227.426

Nico Lugt
+41 (21) 923.35.00

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